Week 5
Habit 4: Listening to the Holy Spirit
1) Do you have any blessing or eating stories to share? How did Learning Jesus go this past week?

2) Have you ever had an experience where you felt that God clearly spoke to you or prompted you to do something? What was that like?

Read John 15:26-27, 16:7-15 (read these passages at least twice preferably in two different translations)

3) These verses are part of a larger teaching of Jesus as he spoke to his disciples about his impending death, and the nature of their ongoing service. Does anything grab you in these verses as you read them today?

4) In verse 7 Jesus makes the extraordinary claim that it is beneficial for the disciples that he go away. Why?

5) What does Jesus say the Spirit will do? ( As a group make a list)

***Watch Video on Habit 4: Listen*** 

6) Mike speaks of the tension of being “in the world but not of the world”. How can this tension play out in everyday life?

7) Some people are concerned that they may mistake their own thoughts, fears and desires, or the promptings of the Devil for the voice of the Holy Spirit. How might we safeguard against this?

8) What kinds of things can hinder us from listening to the Holy Spirit and how can we overcome them?

This Week: Read chapters 7 & 8 of “Surprise the World” on Sent and accountability. Will you take the Listen challenge? When you sit down to “learn Jesus” why not spend extra time asking God to speak and become attentive to His promptings.

As a group you might consider starting your prayer time with a couple of minutes of silence just asking the Holy Spirit to lead you as you pray.

Pray: Pray that the Holy Spirit would be working in people’s lives drawing them to faith. Pray for God’s help to develop this habit in you and the Church. Pray for God to show you who to bless and eat with.